
The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki Presents First Details From Falcom

At the end of 2020, developer Falcom announced the work on the latest installment of The Legend of Heroes, in the series “Trails.” Present in the title The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki, the story is focused on a Spriggan (underground fixer) named Van Arkride. And some time ago, the developer share detailed information about games his claim.

Set in the Calvard Republic, Kuro no Kiseki tells the story of an assignment Van received from Aramis High School student Aganes Claudel. Finding that her late grandfather’s Orbment had been stolen, Agnes chose to investigate the matter without the help of the authorities. But unbeknownst to them, the case developed into a huge scandal that rocked the entire Calvard region.

Besides Van and Agnes, Falcom showed two playable characters another in The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki. The first is Feri Al-Fayed, a member of the Kurgha Soldier who investigates the disappearance of the troops where he used to work. Then there was Aaron Wei, who was not only known as playboy, but also swordsman as well as the Moon Flower Style martial expert.

Falcom said that they will use a number of features gameplay from games previously in Kuro no Kiseki. Like the Topics System, where gamer can collect info from NPCs, and use it to facilitate your task as a Spriggan. Then there is the system alignment, named Alignment Flames, where all player actions have an effect on morality (Lawful, Gray, Chaos). Morality will affect various stats, who are friends and foes, to the development of the story.

In addition, Falcom made a number of changes to battle system AT (Attack Time) in The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki. Like action games normal, in addition to attacking the opponent, gamer can use various maneuver like dodging. And by activating the Xipha Orbment, we can switch to command base battle system flexibly without undergoing any transition.

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki is only said to be released in 2021. However, there is no explanation regarding the release date, as well as in platform where games it can be played. [Aseek]

Trailer – Battle System
