
7 Strategies to Play Clash Royale


Early March yesterday, the famous game developer Supercell released its newest game called Clash Royale for iOS and Android platforms. Clash Royale contains characters from Clash of Clans but has a different game genre. If we may have an opinion, Clash Royale is a Clash of Clans game with a mix of real time strategy and turn based card game genres.
If you’ve just started playing it, it’s bound to be frustrating to always lose to your enemy.


Clash Royale is a card-based strategy game, therefore you need to prepare your best card pool in the deck. The cards in the game are varied, some are offensive and defensive. If you want tips for playing Clash Royale, from building decks to defensive and offensive strategies, check out the following tutorial.

Learn the Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Card

Knowing the ability of a card is one of the important things in this game. Each card has its own elixir cost, so it is very important to always pay attention to it. If you have a lot of elixir costs, the longer it will take to remove them. For example, Giant and Musketeer is a suitable combination to attack.

7 Strategies to Play Clash Royale

If you can identify which cards are suitable for use, then you will be one step ahead of the enemy. Likewise on the defensive. If you choose the right card while defending then you can turn things around into a counter attack. The better the knowledge of a card, the better you can formulate a strategy.

Make Deck Changes and Analyze Results

This is mandatory if you already understand the characteristics of each card. You should try directly the card you have chosen to get maximum results. If there are one or two cards that are less than the maximum, then replace them with other cards. After that see the results, if it is better then change the card arrangement.

Build a Balanced Deck

The temptation to fill a deck with offensive cards is great, but you should know that offensive cards tend to have a large elixir cost. If you fill your deck with cards with an elixir cost of 4 to 5, you won’t be able to deploy troops quickly. Some useful cards with low cost elixir must also be inserted in a deck. Examples such as Archers and Gooblins.

7 Strategies to Play Clash Royale

Both cards have a small elixir cost but can be useful when under attack. The composition of heavy and light cards is very useful when the situation is critical. You can see the average amount of elixir cost in the deck section. We recommend that you build a deck with an average elixir cost of 3.5 to 4.5.

If the Initial Card Contains Light Cards, Start With a Defensive Strategy

7 Strategies to Play Clash Royale

You will get the initial four cards at the start of the game randomly, if you don’t get a card that you can rely on to attack, then it’s better to play defensively. Let the enemy attack early and you can counter-attack. By looking at the enemy cards earlier, you can strategize to attack the empty towers. If you are successful in defending, you can turn things around by issuing additional cards to attack.

Take advantage of the middle zone to lure enemies

Between the two towers there is a strategic zone to kill enemy troops. We call it strategic because you will be helped to survive by the two towers you have. When enemy troops are ejected, we recommend not issuing cards directly in the bridge area. It’s a good idea to let enemy troops cross the bridge, then you remove the card in the middle of the tower. That way, you can pull enemy troops into the middle and your two towers will quickly defeat them.

Arrange Elixir Wisely

Some mistakes that players often make are when playing too aggressively. In playing Clash Royale, you should not rush without proper preparation. We recommend that you look at the amount of Elixir you have and also the composition of the cards that can be used. For example, the Giant card has a large life, but without the support troops, it will die in vain. To help him live longer and get to the enemy towers, you’ll need to prepare support troops like Archers or Minions.

7 Strategies to Play Clash Royale

By making card combinations like that, you can defend and attack better. In addition, it is not recommended to spend Elixir to attack one tower. If you focus too much on one tower then you will ignore the defense for other towers. While you look like you’ll be winning when you attack, you’ll create a weak point that is easy for your enemies to exploit.

Manage Gold Very Wisely When Upgrading

When you have a large amount of Gold, the temptation to level up your cards is very tempting. We do not recommend that you upgrade to a card that you never use. Even when there are cards that can be purchased with Gold. We recommend that you make the most of the treasure box. From there, you’ll get cards to upgrade. With wise use of Gold, you can save Gold and use it to upgrade your Mainstay cards. The higher the level of your mainstay card, the more likely you are to win.
