
Fatal Fight - Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!!

Kung Fu is the most popular martial art in the world. Various films that have Kung Fu elements in them are usually able to cause admiration from the audience. Fast and powerful movements, combined with various styles that are kheren when fighting becomes a very fun thing to watch. And maybe that’s what became the basis for the creation of this Kung Fu-themed game entitled Fatal Fight.

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It’s All About Combo
In this game you play as a fighter who is described as similar to Avatar Aang, but taller in stature. Your task is to eliminate each enemy in a certain number that is constantly coming your way. Easy, right? But there is a rule that must be obeyed: you can only repulse enemies who have entered the hit range, where this hit range is indicated by the bar located at the bottom of the screen. If an enemy coming from the left enters the hit range then the left bar will light up, and vice versa. To attack, you only need to tap on the phone screen, and if you tap before your enemy enters the hit range then your attack is considered a miss.

Each enemy presented in this game comes with varying resistance; some die immediately with just one hit, but there are also those who need two or more hits before they finally collapse. Each stroke without missing will increase the score increase. The essence of this game is to do combos in the form of consecutive attacks continuously so that your multiplier score continues to increase until it produces a high score. But once your attack misses, the score will return to the initial level, so there will be no such thing as blind tapping where everything must be done at the right time.

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The score you get affects the number of shuriken, the same function as the Star in Angry Birds, which you will get at the end of the game. Sometimes an enemy will throw a weapon at you, and the weapon can be dropped by attacking it while it is within your hit range. If this weapon falls then you can use it for a limited time, and the advantage of fighting with weapons is increasing your hit range. Characters are also equipped with a health bar at the bottom of the phone screen, which will decrease if the enemy manages to launch an attack on him, while at the top of the screen there is a number indicating the number of enemies that must be faced.

The fun thing is, Fatal Fight also presents gameplay that is usually present in rhythm games when you face certain enemies. Later, when dealing with the enemy in question, the screen will zoom in automatically and on the back of the character who is fighting, a command will appear to tap a certain amount. For example, when facing an enemy wearing a straw hat, 10 directions will appear that you must tap, and you must succeed in doing so before all the arrows cross the line that appears on the screen. In addition to providing interesting variations, this style of fighting is enough to add tension in running each available level.

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Not only that, this game also presents a wide selection of skills that you can use in battle. This skill can be obtained after successfully defeating the boss battle or you can also buy it through IAP with a price range of tens of thousands of rupiah for each skill. Later, if you enter the skill you have into the slot that was before the fight, the skill will appear at the bottom of the screen. From the author’s experience in playing Fatal Fight, this skill will appear by itself without having to tap on the skill icon. For example, when using Heavenly Swords, two blades appear from the sky that you can use against the enemy once the icon is fully charged by continuously attacking the enemy.

In addition there are also Frost Ray skills that can freeze a number of enemies on one side, Weakness which can make all your enemies weak in a limited time, to Earthquake which will create an earthquake and kill all enemies on the screen.

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A Very Fun Game
Fatal Fight offers fun gameplay, featuring fast-paced and stylish Kung Fu actions. Comes with captivating graphics quality, this game also offers a very simple control mechanism. Equipped with typical Kung Fu movie music, as well as fighting effects that add to the excitement of fighting, Fatal Fight is the right choice for gamers who want a simple but interesting and challenging game.

Overall Score: 8/10

Developer: Toghrul Samadov
Publisher: Toghrul Samadov
Genre: Beat-em-up
Platforms: Android, iOS
Price: Free
