
Spread love around the world with Pippo - Android game by Bandung children



090642300_1425273183-oAHKPQ7PHMAn Android game made by Indonesian children entitled Pippo Peri Cinta. This Pippo Fairy Love game is made by game studio Arsanesia. The developer who once presented the Rolly Poly Penguin and Slappilar games again presents a light yet unique gameplay.

This time Pippo, the famous character from the game Roly Poly Penguin, will appear as a love fairy. Pippo is tasked with shooting the arrow of romance in Indonesia. But be careful, don’t let Pippo shoot inappropriate pairs, such as the monkey mask and the handler, the garbage cleaner with his broom, uncles with his cat, and so on.


The gameplay concept is quite simple, Pippo will continue to fly and you just use the tap feature to the partner that Pippo wants to arrow. The arrow is sure to make the partner you tap will immediately fall in love. However, make no mistake about your archery, because once your arrow hits the target, they will love each other forever. If you shoot wrong, you will see funny pictures, for example people with trash, gentlemen who love their brooms, and many other funny pictures.


For those of you who are curious about this game and want to “spread love” through this game, you can download Pippo Peri Cinta on the Google Play Store for free.

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